Figure 1

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Electrolytes, glucose, and lactate measurements throughout the perioperative period. Distribution of electrolytes, glucose, and lactate measurements are displayed as box and whisker plots for both the standard prime and PBUF cohorts. The lower and upper borders of the box represent the 25th and 75th percentiles. The middle horizontal lines represent the median. The lower and upper whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values of non-outliers, while extra dots represent outliers. It is important to note that in the panel depicting lactate values, an outlier with a value > 20 mmol/L is not shown, as it would greatly shrink the box plot by expanding the scale. Furthermore, pH for prime values was measured at a temperature of 30 °C. pH on bypass was measured at 37 °C (alpha-stat) for all cases performed at >30 °C. pH on bypass was measured at the target temperature (pH-stat) for all cases ≤30 °C. For both cohorts, blue represents the first prime values, green represents the final prime values after PBUF (the same measurements are used for the blue and green groups for the standard prime cohort), orange represents the first CPB values after bypass initiation, and red represents the last CPB values prior to bypass cessation.
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