Open Access

Table 1

Patient demographics for aortic cross-clamp time greater than 90 min.

Characteristic HKB DNC p-value
N 194 194
Age 64 (52, 72) 64 (49, 73) 0.84
Male 135 (70%) 131 (68%) 0.66
Euroscore II 2 (1, 4) 2 (1, 4) 0.95
BMI 28 (25, 32) 29 (25, 32) 0.90
Diabetic 40 (21%) 42 (22%) 0.80
Insulin dependent 8 (4%) 11 (6%) 0.64
Baseline creatinine (umol/L) 87 (73, 104) 87 (71, 102) 0.91
Dialysis dependent 4 (2%) 3 (2%) 1.00
Pulmonary hypertension 15 (8%) 16 (8%) 1.00
COPD 41 (21%) 45 (23%) 0.62
Smoking history 105 (54%) 97 (50%) 0.42
PVD 8 (4%) 8 (4%) 1.00
Cerebrovascular disease 15 (8%) 16 (8%) 1.00
Redo sternotomy 25 (13%) 23 (12%) 0.76
 1 75 (39%) 68 (35%) 0.36
 2 64 (33%) 74 (38%)
 3 41 (21%) 32 (16%)
 4 14 (7%) 20 (10%)
 Normal 114 (59%) 110 (57%) 0.71
 Mild dysfunction 48 (25%) 56 (29%)
 Moderate dysfunction 24 (12%) 23 (12%)
 Severe dysfunction 8 (4%) 5 (3%)
Baseline troponin T (ng/L) 49 (25%) 52 (27%) 0.73

Continuous variables are expressed median (IQR), categorical variables are expressed number (%). Abbreviation: HKB – hyperkalaemic blood cardioplegia; DNC – Del Nido cardioplegia; BMI – body mass index; COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PVD – peripheral vascular disease; NYHA – New York Heart Association; LVEF – left ventricular ejection fraction.

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