Open Access

Table 5

Post-operative median troponin profiles for greater than 90 min aortic cross-clamp time.

90-minute aortic cross-clamp HKB DNC p-value Equivalency p-value
N 194 194
Troponin T (ng/L)
 6 h 722 (411, 1196) 693 (430, 1237) 0.49 0.04
 12 h 735 (441, 1354) 783 (432, 1636) 0.60 0.025
 72 h 363 (242, 609) 408 (222, 860) 0.44 0.041
 Max 780 (467, 1421) 834 (493, 1853) 0.26 0.081
 AUC 37616 (23601, 67166) 39586 (22865, 86359) 0.76 0.021
Positive troponin T rise 8 (5%) 8 (5%) 0.98 <0.001

Continuous variables are expressed median (IQR), categorical variables are expressed number (%). Abbreviations: HKB – hyperkalemic blood cardioplegia; DNC – Del Nido cardioplegia; AUC – area under curve.

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