Open Access

Table 7

Subgroup analysis: Intraoperative variables for aortic cross-clamp time greater than 120 min.

Variable HKB DNC p-value
N 64 64
Procedure type
 CABG 5 (8%) 3 (5%) 0.77
 Aortic/Dissection 5 (8%) 9 (14%)
 Other 6 (9%) 5 (8%)
 Valve 33 (52%) 31 (48%)
 Valve/CABG 15 (23%) 16 (25%)
CPB time (min) 185 (160, 210) 190 (166, 217) 0.69
AXC time (min) 146 (129, 165) 143 (130, 173) 0.98
Total procedure time (min) 294 (248, 332) 322 (271, 375) 0.015
Hemofiltration requirement 0 (0%) 4 (6%) 0.12
Fluid output (mL) 400 (200, 750) 460 (250, 1188) 0.35
Minimum haemoglobin (g/L) 91 (77, 103) 91 (76, 101) 0.75
Minimum cardioplegia temperature (°C) 31 (30, 31) 5 (5, 6) <0.001
Total cardioplegia volume delivered (mL) 2129 (1950, 2486) 1523 (1007, 2009) <0.001
Cardioplegia delivery route
 Antegrade 30 (47%) 43 (67%) 0.031
 Retrograde 0 (0%) 1 (2%)
 Antegrade + Retrograde 34 (53%) 20 (31%)
Number of cardioplegia doses 7 (6, 8) 2 (1, 4) <0.001
Spontaneous recovery of rhythm 36 (56%) 56 (89%) <0.001
Maximum ischemic time (min) 32 (29, 39) 101 (87, 119) <0.001
Peak creatinine on pump (umol/L) 101 (76, 135) 103 (83, 165) 0.22
Last haemoglobin on pump (g/L) 93 (80, 104) 94 (86, 105) 0.36

Continuous variables are expressed median (IQR), categorical variables are expressed number (%). Abbreviation: Abbreviation: HKB – hyperkalaemic blood cardioplegia; DNC – Del Nido cardioplegia; CABG – coronary artery bypass graft; CPB – cardiopulmonary bypass; AXC – aortic cross-clamp.

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