Open Access

Table 1

Distinct differences and similarities of the Medtronic Affinity NT Fusion and Terumo FX25 Oxygenator.

Medtronic fusion oxygenator Terumo FX25 oxygenator
Blood flow Radially Horizontally
Arterial filter size 25 μm 32 μm
Prime volume 260 mL 260 mL
Surface area of fibers 2.5 m2 2.5 m2
Material Microporous Polypropylene Polyester Screen type
Flow range 1–7 L/min 0.5–7 L/min
Maximum blood pressure 750 mmHg 1,000 mmHg
Surface coating BalanceTM BioSurface X-Coating
Heat exchanger Plastic Stainless Steel

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