Open Access

Table 1

Example of a confirmation of oxygenator failure algorithm and preparation for an oxygenator change-out.

Work with a backup perfusionist on the following:
 1. Assess arterial and venous lines for color difference. Confirm in-line gas values with lab specimen if possible.
 2. Confirm sweep gas is on with the proper source (and blender settings if in use).
 3. Confirm proper ventilation-to-perfusion (V/Q) ratio.
 4. Confirm integrity of sweep gas system all the way to the oxygenator exhaust port (vaporizer cap sealed – may bypass vaporizer altogether/turn off vaporizer). Discern proper function by tactile and audible means (sweep gas line to oxygenator creates pressure when disconnected from oxygenator and temporarily blocked).
 5. Confirm function of flow meter (if in use).
 6. Confirm proper blood flow (appropriate pump arterial line/system pressure and appropriate patient arterial pressure, correct tubing size selected on arterial controller, flow probe value verified, closure of recirculation/prime lines).
 7. Change to 100% oxygen if not already on that source (may change to stand-alone E-cylinder with flow meter to rule out issues with normal sweep gas system).
 8. Consider whether the oxygenator may be “wetted out”. Use manufacturer recommended guidelines for treatment.
  • Terumo FX-05: Increase sweep rate to sigh oxygenator; max sweep of 5 LPM for 10 s (do not repeat).

  • Sorin D101: Increase sweep rate to sigh oxygenator; max V/Q of 4:1 for ≤10 min.

  • Terumo FX15-30: Increase sweep rate to sigh oxygenator; max sweep of 15 LPM for 10 s (do not repeat).

  • Terumo FX-25: Increase sweep rate to sigh oxygenator; max sweep of 20 LPM for 10 s (do not repeat).

 9. Consult with the anesthesiologist to confirm proper muscle relaxants/anesthesia are in use (check reported VO2 value). Consider malignant hyperthermia if the CO2 is significantly elevated with a low SvO2 (if an isoflurane source is in the sweep gas system).
 10. Request second perfusionist to clear-prime a replacement oxygenator in the pump room with quick-connect tubing and connectors attached to replacement device.
 11. Inform surgeon of findings and discuss action plan (define lowest acceptable PaO2 before change-out). If change-out required, clarify if it will be with a relatively warm and ventilated patient that is ejecting versus hypothermic with circulatory arrest.

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