Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 5, Number 1, March 1973
Page(s) | 30 - 30 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 October 2023 |
Developmental Rationale
A Nonpulsatile Artificial Heart
Bio-Medicus, Inc., 15308 Minnetonka Industrial Road, Minnetonka Industrial Park, Minnetonka, Minnesota, 55343
The concept of a nonpulsatile artificial heart is discussed. The approach used in this investigation embodies the principle of a constrained force vortex to propel the blood. This novel approach eliminates the need for the direct contact of blood with impellers and also alleviates the constrictive and mechanical forces on blood cells resulting from high levels of shear and turbulence as well as direct impaction. By eliminating the direct contact of blood with these mechanical forces and with the use of atraumatic and nonthrombogenic low temperature isotropic carbon as the material of construction, a largely atraumatic pump is made possible. The use of force vortices enables the investigators to retain the high efficiency of a centrifugal impeller pump without encountering the traumatic effects of direct impeller contact. The result is a high efficient, atraumatic, nonpulsatile blood pump. The possible effects of nonpulsatile flow in the body are reviewed. Pump optimization is discussed. Finally, implantation of the artificial heart pump into animals on an experimental basis is discussed briefly.
© 1973 AMSECT
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