Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 19, Number 3, September 1987
Page(s) | 365 - 368 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 August 2023 |
Original Article
Power Failure and the Pump: How Effective is Manual Operation?
Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at Camden, Camden, NJ
* Direct communications to: Susan Underwood, R.N., Department of Surgery, 300 Broadway, 8th Floor, Camden, NJ 08103
(J. Extra-Corpor. Technol. 19[3] p. 365-368 Fall 1987, 2 ref.) It is the primary concern of perfusionists to maintain flow to the patient under any circumstances. We performed the following study to determine how effectively both the roller and centrifugal force pumps produced flow when operated manually. The Travenola roller, Bio-Medicusb centrifugal and the Centrimedc centrifugal pumps were handcranked to generate a 3 liter/minute flow as measured during 30 second intervals with an arterial line Doppler flowmeter. The work (crank revolutions/minute) required to generate 3 liter/minute flow in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions was:
Pump | Clockwise | Counterclockwise |
Travenol® Roller | — | 116 |
Centrimed® Centrifugal | 56 | 88 |
Bio-Medicus™ Centrifugal | 74 | 90 |
The Travenol roller produces forward flow only when turned counterclockwise. Clockwise turning produces reverse flow. Both the Centrimed centrifugal and the Bio-Medicusb centrifugal produce forward flow with either clockwise or counterclockwise turning but the latter is more efficient. The Travenol roller was less efficient during manual operation than either the Bio-Medicus centrifugal and Centrimed centrifugal. Because pumps vary in their ability to produce flow when manually operated, the perfusionist must be prepared to provide the work needed to maintain flow in an emergency.
Key words: blood flow / determination / equipment / specifications / pump / roller / pump / vortex
© 1987 AMSECT
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