Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 19, Number 3, September 1987
Page(s) | 384 - 391 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 August 2023 |
Original Article
Surveying the Research Interests, Needs and Productivity of Perfusion Educators
Circulation Technology Division, School of Allied Medical Professions, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
* Direct communications to: Denise E. Bennett, Cardiovascular Perfusion Department, Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, OH 43205
(J. Extra-Corpor. Technol. 19[3] p. 384-391 Fall 1987, 5 ref.) The continuing advances in perfusion have brought an increased need for research to validate professional roles and practices. Perfusion educators are faced with increased expectations that they will conduct this research even though many feel they do not have the background or support to do so.
In an effort to address these concerns, a national study was done to determine the research interests, needs, skills, and productivity of educators in the field of perfusion. The goal of the study was 1) to determine the level of involvement in research activities of perfusion faculty; 2) to identify research interests of these educators; 3) to characterize the current research environment; 4) to determine the research background of perfusion educators; and 5) to identify continuing education needs for research productivity.
Twenty-seven perfusion education programs were contacted for lists of their current faculty members. A survey questionnaire was mailed to the 63 names received. Completed surveys were received from 26 individuals (41%). The overall results of the survey indicate low research productivity, a lack of research skills and support for research, and a need for workshops dealing with the development of research skills.
Key words: perfusion / research / perfusion / survey / perfusion / training / survey / perfusion
© 1987 AMSECT
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