Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 20, 1988
Proceedings of AmSECT’s 26th International Conference
Page(s) | 71 - 75 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 August 2023 |
Original Article
Extended Extracorporeal Support Utilizing Minimal Heparin and Iloprost (ZK36374)
PSICOR, Inc., San Diego, CA
Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI
* Direct communications to: William B. Pelley, PSI COR, Inc., 16818 Via del Campo Court, San Diego, CA 92127.
Iloprost (ZK36374), a prostacyclin analogue, has been shown to preserve platelet ultrastructure and reactivity. In an effort to reduce adverse platelet alterations, iloprost was utilized in three patients undergoing extended extra-corporeal support (EECS).
EECS times ranged from 21 to 46 hours. One patient was able to be weaned from EECS. iloprost allowed EECS in one patient who was heparin sensitive. All three patients demonstrated no platelet aggregation when challenged by ADP during iloprost infusion. Platelet reactivity returned to normal in the patient who was successfully weaned from EECS after iloprost was discontinued. Iloprost allowed EECS to be performed with minimal heparinization.
We conclude that minimal heparinization and iloprost may be a valuable addition for those patients requiring extended extra-corporeal support.
© 1988 AMSECT
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