Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 30, Number 3, September 1998
Page(s) | 140 - 145 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 August 2023 |
A fax-Back Oxygenator-Perfusionist Clinical Performance Data Collection and Statistical Analysis Method
Perfusion Services of Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Cardiovascular Group, San Diego, California
* Address correspondence to: Jeffrey B. Riley Perfusion Services of Baxter Healthcare 16818 Via del Campo Court
A method to collect clinical oxygenator performance data daily is described. At the end of a bypass procedure, the perfusionist fills in a fax-back form designed to automatically input patient-oxygenator performance data into a computer spreadsheet.
Multiple blood gases, FiO2, gas and blood flow data, venous oxygenator blood inlet conditions (hemoglobin, 0 2 saturation, hematocrit and temperature), time on bypass and device manufacturer information are collected at the end of each cardiopulmonary bypass procedure at multiple institutions. A large sample database is created that allows multi-parametric analyses in regard to clinical practice, device performance, manufacturing consistency and patient requirements.
The database and analyses facilitate institutional, manufacturer, and clinician benchmarking. Monthly reports to the clinicians give valuable feedback to improve oxygenator use and patient blood gas control. Reports to the device manufacturer provide information used to evaluate the clinical consequences of small changes in the manufacturing process.
Key words: cardiopulmonary bypass / oxygenator performance / quality improvement process / benchmarking / pO2 / pCO2
© 1998 AMSECT
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