Open Access

Table 5

Short and durable MCS device utilization. N based on the number of centers that reported performing VAD insertions and ECMO (MCS devices n = 58, VAD n = 25, ECMO n = 54).

Number (%)
Short-term MCS
 Abbott CentriMag 31 (53.4)
 Abiomed Impella 51 (87.9)
 LivaNova TandemHeart 24 (96)
 IABP 58 (100)
 ECMO 54 (100)
 Other 2 (3.4)
Durable MCS
 Abbott HeartMate II™ 17 (68)
 Abbott HeartMate 3™ 23 (92)
 HeartWare HVAD 10 (40)
 Total Artificial Heart 3 (12)
 Berlin Heart 1 (4)

Abbreviations: IABP = intra-aortic balloon pump; ECMO = Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; MCS = Mechanical circulatory support.

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