Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 21, 1989
Proceedings of AmSECT’s 27th International Conference
Page(s) | 30 - 33 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 August 2023 |
Original Article
A Computer-Based Audio Challenge and Response Cardiopulmonary Bypass Checklist System
PSICOR, Inc., San Diego, CA
Heads Up Technologies, Dallas, TX
* Address correspondence to: Richard G. Berryessa, PSICOR, Inc. 16818 Via del Campo Ct., San Diego, CA 92127
Comparisons continue to be made between perfusion and aviation. Although similarities exist there are important differences. One substantial dissimilarity is in the area of safety where commercial aviation has a dramatically lower accident rate than perfusion. Extensive safety systems, including the routine use of checklists, are a major factor in safe air travel.
Experience with the use of a checklist for cardiopulmonary bypass has proven useful for managing risk and assuring quality. Recent publications on cardiopulmonary bypass standards and safety mandate the use of checklists.
We borrowed from the aviation industry an audio checklist management system which employs digital speech technology. A small, mast-mounted, battery operated device with a lifelike voice challenges the perfusionist with a cardiopulmonary bypass checklist. After being challenged with a checklist item, the perfusionist responds verbally and advances to the next checklist item, by pressing a remote button. The device records the time that an item is checked and upon completion of the checklist prints a document for inclusion in the record.
The audio checklist includes pre-bypass set-up, pre and post-initiation, cardioplegia, pre-termination, and post-bypass checklists. Emergency procedure checklists, for common perfusion incidents, may be called-up by the perfusionist. The computer may be programmed to generate custom checklists to meet an individual perfusionist's need.
The audio checklist device assures consistency and frees the perfusionist from a more cumbersome paper checklist system. Use of the audio checklist device minimizes the diversion of the perfusionist's eyes and attention from cardiopulmonary bypass equipment and events.
Key words: Checklist / audio / CPB
© 1989 AMSECT
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