Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 23, Number 3, September 1991
Page(s) | 66 - 71 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 August 2023 |
Original Article
Computer Assisted Instruction and Simulation Programs in Perfusion Education: A Survey
Circulation Technology Division, School of Allied Medical Professions The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
This study was done to determine what computer assisted instruction (CAI) and/or simulation programs (SP) are available for use in perfusion education, whether they are being used, and what is desired in a CAI and SP. The 24 program directors in the U.S.A. and Canada were surveyed. Of the 24 surveys sent, 18 were returned. Of those returned, 5 use CAIs, 1 has access to CAIs, but does not use them, 11 do not have access to CAIs, but would use them if available, and 1 does not have access to CAIs and would not use them if access was available. Concerning the SPs, 5 of the respondents use SPs, 12 would use SPs if available, and 1 does not and would not use SPs. There is a large demand for CAIs and SPs by perfusion educators. The program directors surveyed responded that the CAIs and SPs can be used as aides in teaching students, evaluating students, giving them exposure to different situations that do not always occur in lab, and giving students a chance to observe how all the various factors affect one another. Suggestions were made regarding the achievement of these goals.
Key words: computer assisted instruction / simulation programs / perfusion education
© 1991 AMSECT
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