Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 37, Number 3, September 2005
Page(s) | 296 - 302 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 September 2005 |
Scientific Article
Use of Bivalirudin as an Anticoagulant During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
* Carolina Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Associates, Gaston Memorial Hospital, Gastonia, North Carolina
† Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia
‡ Central Florida Regional Hospital, Sanford, Florida
Address correspondence to: Cornelius M. Dyke, MD, Carolina Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Associates, Gaston Memorial Hospital, Gastonia, NC 28054. E-mail:
Bivalirudin is a short-acting direct thrombin inhibitor that has been used in cardiac surgical patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) or suspected HIT. Although no direct thrombin inhibitor is indicated for anticoagulation during cardiac surgery in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) or suspected HIT, use of heparin-alternatives are increasing as the awareness of HIT increases. Reports of anticoagulation with bivalirudin are sporadic, however, with variable dosing and management strategies. In this report, we describe our management techniques for cardiopulmonary bypass with bivalirudin based upon our personal experience. Although the reported clinical experience with bivalirudin in cardiac surgery is reviewed, operative techniques for the perfusionist/surgeon team are discussed in detail. We recognize that the use of bivalirudin during cardiopulmonary bypass is evolving and modifications of technique will undoubtedly occur as further data and experience accumulate.
Key words: direct thrombin inhibitors / anticoagulation / cardiopulmonary bypass / heparin induced thrombocytopenia
© 2005 AMSECT
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