Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 39, Number 3, September 2007
Page(s) | 168 - 176 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 September 2007 |
Are There Benefits to a Fresh Whole Blood vs. Packed Red Blood Cell Cardiopulmonary Bypass Prime on Outcomes in Neonatal and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery?
* Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Illinois, Peoria, Illinois
† University of Nebraska Medical Center, Clinical Perfusion Education, Omaha, Nebraska
Address correspondence to: Melinda S. Valleley, BS, CCP, Children’s Hospital of Omaha, 8200 Dodge Street, Department of Surgery, Clinical Perfusion Services, Omaha, NE 68114-4113. E-mail:
Techniques for pediatric cardiac surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) have significantly improved over the years. The use of fresh whole blood (FWB) and pre-bypass ultrafiltration (PBUF) has been suggested as means for improving perioperative and postoperative outcomes. It is the intent of this study to show that fresh whole blood along with PBUF will result in balanced CPB prime that can offer a reduction in blood product exposures and blood loss along with improving several measured postoperative outcomes. After institutional review board approval, a retrospective review was conducted on 100 patients to analyze the benefits of FWB and PBUF on outcomes in neonatal and pediatric cardiac surgery. Data analysis included preoperative and CPB data, perioperative inotrope and blood product exposure, and postoperative blood loss and blood product exposure measured for up to a 12-hour period in the intensive care unit (ICU). The three groups compared were FWB prime vs. packed red blood cell (PRBC) prime, <5 kg FWB prime vs. <5 kg PRBC prime, and 5+ kg FWB prime and 5+ kg PRBC prime. Cumulative blood product exposures for the FWB prime group found 62% received one blood exposure for the operative and postoperative period (p < .0001). The majority of patients who received a PRBC prime (64%) received three or more cumulative exposures (p < .0003). The <5 kg FWB group also received significantly less cumulative blood exposure, with 64% receiving just one exposure. Comparatively, 85% of the <5 kg PRBC patients received three or more blood product exposures perioperatively and postoperatively (p < .0001). Perioperative inotrope and postoperative blood loss did not differ among the groups. Outcomes for intraoperative death, intraoperative extubation, delayed sternal closure, and mediastinal reexploration were also not statistically different. The results of this study found that FWB leads to significantly less blood exposure, specifically in the <5-kg population. Finally, the use of PBUF is an effective method for achieving a balanced, physiologic prime. Future research would be helpful in determining which specific patient populations would receive the greatest benefit from FWB and PBUF.
Key words: cardiopulmonary bypass / fresh whole blood / pre-bypass ultrafiltration / pediatric perfusion circuitry
© 2007 AMSECT
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