Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 40, Number 1, March 2008
Page(s) | 65 - 67 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 March 2008 |
Use of a New Implantable Adjustable Pulmonary Artery Banding Device: A Report of Two Patients
Address correspondence to: M. Davis, LCCP, ECCP, Chief Perfusionist, Department 3043, Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. E-mail:
Pulmonary artery banding (PAB) is a method for reducing pulmonary artery blood flow and pressure by tying a surgical band around the main pulmonary artery (MPA). Originally, the procedure was primarily performed to palliate intracardiac left to right shunts for ventricular septal defects (VSDs). Currently, the use of PAB has expanded to allow it to be used in ventricular training, prior to total corrective surgery. At the Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark we have been trying a new device. The Flo-Watch PAB implant (EndoArt, Lausanne, Switzerland) is only currently available within certain European countries. The device is a mechanical PAB that allows noninvasive adjustment of the band post implantation, in an outpatient clinic. This has multiple advantages, not only in terms of convenience for the patient, and the reduced risk of multiple surgical interventions, but also from a financial standpoint to the health system. We would like to present our findings and comment on the use of the device in this report.
Key words: pulmonary artery / banding / palliation / mechanical device
© 2008 AMSECT
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