Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 43, Number 3, September 2011
Page(s) | 153 - 156 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 September 2011 |
Lissajous Figures: An Engineering Tool for Root Cause Analysis of Individual Cases—A Preliminary Concept
Address correspondence to: Michael Poullis, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Thomas Drive, Liverpool, L14 3PE. E-mail:
Some patients have short intensive care stay periods and little or no organ dysfunction after cardiac surgery and others do not despite seemingly faultless surgery, perfusion, and anesthesia. These “unknown” reasons for death and morbidity usually relate to organ ischemia and inflammation, but are obviously mutlifactorial. A Lissajous figure is a technique in electrical engineering to compare two different electrical signals. We utilize this basic concept in a very simple manner to potentially identify why some of these unknown deaths or morbidities occur. Utilizing an electronic perfusion database, we retrospectively analyzed 43 patients undergoing aortic surgery with regard to central venous saturations during cooling and rewarming. Isolated aortic valve replacement patients were excluded. Central venous saturation, time, and temperature were plotted to create a Lissajous figure for the whole operation, and during cooling and rewarming separately. Temperature and saturations were analyzed every 20 seconds. Perfusion related variables were registered and uploaded to Lissajous figures during cooling add little to patient care due to their similarity. Isolated rewarming revealed startling differences. It is immediately visually obvious who had short and long periods of tissue ischemia and reperfusion during rewarming in a seemingly uneventful operation. The periods of ischemia can be semi quantified into: none, mild, moderate, and severe. Creation of simple Lissajous figures during rewarming for bypass runs may be an additional helpful tool in root cause analysis of patient death/ morbidity when surgery, perfusion, and anesthesia seemed faultless. Low central venous saturations at hypothermic temperatures mean significant metabolic activity, indicating tissue ischemia is occurring. Further work is needed to correlate this concept to outcomes.
Key words: cardiopulmonary bypass / Lissajous figures
© 2011 AMSECT
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