Issue |
J Extra Corpor Technol
Volume 32, Number 3, September 2000
Page(s) | 148 - 151 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 August 2023 |
Original Article
Clinical Experience of a Vacuum-Assisted Nonroller Extra-Corporeal Circulation System
Suwa Central Hospital, SN SEIKI Co., LTD
Shinonoi General Hospital
Shinshu University School of Medicine
We designed a nonroller extra-corporeal circulation system (NRECC) to minimize space requirements and to improve the safety and ease of cardiopulmonary bypass. The NRECC includes a circuit, a centrifugal pump, and a vacuum regulator. The vacuum regulator has five channels, each of which can control negative pressure independently. Negative pressure is applied to suctions, a vent, and a venous reservoir. Auto Vent-SV and one-way valves were placed between the suctions/vent and the reservoir. The total space required for the NRECC with a heat exchanger was 0.49 m2, which is much smaller than that of our current roller pump system.
The maximum volume through the suction/vent was 2.5 L/min at −100 mmHg measured in a simulated system. We used the NRECC for six CABG cases and compared results with those of five CABG cases managed by traditional roller pump extra-corporeal circulation (RECC). The two systems were compared in terms of set-up time and stability/accuracy of the suction/vent. The set-up time of the NRECC (5.3 ± 1.9 min) was significantly shorter than that of RECC (29 ± 3.4 min) (p < .01). Stable and accurate blood flow were achieved with the NRECC operating between −15 mmHg and −25 mmHg. In conclusion, NRECC can run a bypass easily and safely and has the benefit of reducing space requirements and shortening set-up time.
Key words: nonroller extra-corporeal circulation / low negative pressure controller / vacuum suction system
© 2000 AMSECT
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