Open Access

Table 2

24-hour post-op bleeding and Red Blood Cell transfusion.

1.0 Ratio p (1.0 vs 0.9) 0.9 Ratio p (0.9 vs 0.8) 0.8 Ratio p (1.0 vs 0.8)
Chest Tube (ml), mean ± sd 692 ± 520 0.87* 700 ± 458 0.21* 650 ± 348 0.33*
Chest Tube (ml), q1 400 420 414
Chest Tube (ml), median 535 0.06^ 610 0.47^ 570 0.14^
Chest Tube (ml), q3 780 848 776
Chest Tube/BSA (ml/m2), mean ± sd 354 ± 264 0.99* 354 ± 259 0.36* 335 ± 180 0.38*
Chest Tube/BSA (ml/m2), q1 206 207 217
Chest Tube/BSA (ml/m2), median 273 0.49^ 292 0.52^ 303 0.02^
Chest Tube/BSA (ml/m2), q3 388 415 394
RBC transfusion (unit) 0.1 ± 0.6 0.09* 0.3 ± 1.0 0.44* 0.2 ± 0.6 0.21*

p-value of Student’s t-test.


p-value of chi-square test of independence.

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